At EBIO, we commit to integrate sustainability in all our daily actions and strategies. To accomplish this objective, we have implemented the program Faster Forward, focused on 3 paramount pillars: (Faster to Zero, Sustainability Inside and Impact Multiplier) with a variety of activities that cover our commercial operations, brands, products and our impact to the community.



Con el objetivo de valorar las prácticas sostenibles de las empresas expositoras, EBIO, lanza la primera edición del Premio Better Stand, que dará a conocer y premiará a las marcas que mejor implementen acciones sostenibles.


¿Te gustaría contribuir de manera más sostenible en EBIO? Conoce nuestro catálogo de stands reutilizables que destacan por su impacto positivo: reutilización del 80% de los materiales, reducción del 87% de las emisiones de CO2, alfombras ecológicas, montaje y desmontaje sencillos, costos reducidos, compensación de huella de carbono.

Our pillars


Minimize the carbon emissions in all aspects, including the encouragement of public transport use whenever possible.


Reduction of non-renewable waste, fostering the reuse and donation of decorations.


Better Stands Program to reduce the one-time use stands.


Consideration for the sustainability credentials of each object acquired for the event.


Rules against discrimination, sustainability and labor safety.


Initiatives in favour of well-being, equality, accessibility, and respect for everyone.


Collaboration with nonprofit organizations and support to the local community.


Content focused on the implementation of sustainability in the industry.


Planning and generation of content focused on sustainability in the industry.


Advocacy of participation of the micro, small and mid-sized companies, through a dedicated space to promote new entrepreneurships.

Link between EBIO and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

EBIO is committed to contributing to the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve it, we have set in motion a series of initiatives to act in a coherent manner in the following fronts:

Equal participation of women in the industry

Greater work opportunities in the industry

Content related to infrastructure sustainable procedures in the industry

Accessibility to vulnerable individuals and minorities

Action in recycling and separation of waste generated

Responsible choices for decoration, reuse of decorations


As visitor
  • When speaking with the exhibiting companies, do not forget to ask for the sustainability credentials of their products and company processes.
  • Instead of throwing your badge at the end of the event, place it in the recycling bins.
  • Consider to organize your transport to the event by sharing a vehicle with other team mates or by using the public transport to reduce the carbon footprint.
  • Avoid the use of disposable products.
  • Leverage the opportunities of residues recycling available on site.
  • Only accept the gifts and brochures that you really need or that you plan to use.
  • Participate in the initiatives and conversations scheduled during the event to facilitate and inspire the sustainable development within the industry.
  • Make sure that your booth is designed to be reused in future events and that it can be easily dismantled and recycled.
  • Try to consolidate your shipments and choose logistic companies with good sustainability credentials to reduce the carbon footprint.
  • Choose digital brochures and acquire recycled and certified materials to reduce the environmental impact.
  • Use low consumption LED ligithing and turn off your equipments by the end of the day to save energy.
  • Consider the amount and environmental credentials of the promotional gifts you purchase, as well as their long-term utility.
  • Support the sustainability of the region by using local suppliers and products from the area.
  • Participate in initiatives and conversations in regards to sustainable development in the industry during the event.
  • Promote the sustainability credentials of your company and products to inspire the sustainable development in your sector.
  • Separate and clasify the organic and residual waste to facilitate their recycling.
  • Reduce the use of plastic products and choose sustainable alternatives.
  • Purchase bulk products and choose local options whenever possible.
  • Choose organic products and those that have the recycling symbol in the package.

Remember that each action counts, no matter how small it might be, and that doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

Recuerda que cada acción cuenta, por pequeña que sea